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All submissions should be sent to Include the section in the subject line and please include a brief bio. 

We are currently accepting ROLLING submissions for volume FIVE! WE DO NOT ACCEPT UNFINISHED WORK!



The art team is accepting anything and everything that can be considered art, but not literature or poetry. That means that unlike more traditional literary and art magazines, in addition to visual arts, we accept video, music, sound art, and performance art.


Submissions must be:


  • In the form of a JPEG or PNG, with a minimum resolution of 300PSI

  • Video in at least 720p, of any length, must be captioned.

  • Sound file in the form of a WAV or FLAC file with a bit rate of 16-bit, or a MP3 file with a bit rate of 128 kb/s or 320 kb/s. All sound files should have a sample rate of 44.1 khz and be in 2-channel (Stereo). As with video, sound files may be of any length, as long as the recording has no more than 1s of silence after the last sound.


All files must be included in an email. Links to third party websites such as youtube and spotify are not permitted, unless it is google drive or similar hosting website. Submissions may include an up to 300-word abstract to explain to piece.


Artists must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Artists must submit a Bio of no more than 300 words.

  • Artists may submit no more than 10 pieces every six months. All pieces for consideration must be submitted simultaneously.

  • An artist’s submissions may not have appeared in any publication or in-person exposition. Social media and open mics, however, are fine.


We wish to and want to focus on displaying works by passionate and driven poets. In order to keep track of submissions, keep in contact, and notify on the status of submissions, documents must have your name, date, and email on the document. The number of poems allowed on a document will be up to seven and up to twenty pages long. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but it is of utmost importance that we are notified if your poem is accepted elsewhere. If there are any additional questions, feel free to reach out and email us at


  • No previously published pieces

  • No MFA graduates (current MFA students are fine)

  • We do not accept submissions from individuals with graduate degrees in creative writing.

  • Times New Roman, Double spaced, 12 pt. font

  • Multiples piece submission accepted, up to five pieces from the same author. 

  • Cumulatively, submissions can not exceed 30 pages

  • Contact us immediately if the piece has been published elsewhere.




  • Numbered pages

  • A title page with author’s name, email, address, and phone number.

  • Maximum pages is 4; the minimum is 2 (title page not included).

  • We allow reviews for albums (not a single), books, TV shows, movies, collections of poetry, podcasts, etc. (If there’s a medium not listed here, feel free to ask!)

  • Entries limited to three reviews per person.

  • Facebook
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  • Instagram
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